As this write up was being put together, I was able to appreciate Shea butter more. I hope this piece does that and much more to you. Come right in, shall we? The history of shea butter dates back to when the Scottish explorer Mungo Park introduced shea butter to Europe in the 1700s. Native only to the savannahs of…
Hey! Wondering who should have a hair care routine? My answer is simple, You!!! Hair care routine is for anyone who wants a healthy looking hair, it helps you reduce hair fallout and retain length so you can see that your hair is actually growing. What this means is that, you can only see results in what you are consistent…
I am not a politician. I’m not vying for a political post. I am a person like you who sees the lapses in the way things are run but decided to contribute a little but significant part to my community. You can do the same also… or even more as God puts the capacity in you.
This statement does not only apply to the corporate world. If we think critically, we will realize it applies to every aspect of our lives.
While growing up, my sister had a skin-related illness which foreign dermatological products could not heal. On a fateful day, our Grandma visited us and she also came with a substance tied in a black plastic bag and which had an awful smell to be used on my sister’s skin. My sister had no choice than to apply the substance.…